2011年06月22日 22:15:39
新华网北京6月22日电 记者从北京市公安机关获悉:公安机关对艾未未涉嫌经济犯罪依法进行侦查,已查明其实际控制的北京发课文化发展有限公司存在逃避缴纳巨额税款、故意销毁会计凭证等犯罪行为。鉴于艾未未认罪态度好、患有慢性疾病等原因,且其多次主动表示愿意积极补缴税款,现依法对艾未未取保候审。
亚洲协会博物馆馆长梅丽莎.赵(Melissa Chiu)在电话采访中称:在艾未未4月3日被扣押之前,她已经和艾先生在准备该展览了。艾选择好了照片,并且打印了一套。由于这些照片打印件在北京的工作室里,艾先生被羁押后无法运出,现在为展览又重新制作了一套。该展览计划从6月29日开始,8月14日结束(2009年,曾在北京三影堂举行过类似的展览,这有助于亚洲协会举办新展)。
@duyanpili 译 原文地址:http://goo.gl/Z3flt
昨日是内地异见艺术家艾未未被北京当局非法拘禁第 80日,当局仍未告知艾未未家人,他如何发落。一直充当艾家与当局桥梁的北京公安国保警员,昨突然登门找艾未未的妻子路青,对她表示上头仍然没有任何指示,「可能还要时间调查」。
「前两天国保不接路青的电话,我们以为当局对未未态度又有甚么变化,没想到你们海外舆论一登,他们就紧张了,昨天跑去草场地,找儿媳妇(路青)解释,说是疏忽了,没带手机。」艾妈妈高瑛昨对本报指,自上月 15日儿媳妇见了一次艾未未,她们曾多次要求第二次见面,但当局一直没有回音。
By Wen Tao
A group of citizens led by renowned artist Ai Weiwei sent a letter Tuesday to all 35 delegations attending the annual session of the NPC, calling for transparency regarding the 2008 Sichuan earthquake.
This letter says that last year the so-called "citizen investigators" had sent 113 letters to government departments at all levels, requesting the disclosure of information. But "none of the departments directly answered a single question raised by us," the new letter said.
Eighty-four departments responded to last year's "citizens' investigation." But all of them said the group should look for the information online, refusing to offer any other details, saying it concerns state or business secrets. Tuesday's letter said the other 27 departments did not respond to last year's letters, violating the regulations on the disclosure of government information, which require them to reply within seven business days.
Chen Xiaobo, a press liaison officer for the Sichuan delegation to the NPC, said that, as Ai and the other signatories are not NPC deputies, their letter can only be received by the petition officers of the delegation, as a record of public opinion.
Yang Quanfu, the press liaison officer for the Chongqing delegation, said he has not heard about the new letter and therefore could not comment.
Ai and some volunteers also posted the letter on a popular social micro-blog run by Sina.com Wednesday morning. But the accounts containing extracts of the letter were suspended, and more than 70 accounts containing the char-acters Ai or Wei were "killed" by the webmaster Wednesday, Ai told the Global Times.
A customer service employee at Sina.com said the reason for the suspension is the posts in those accounts contain sensitive material.
The team has filed lawsuits against state ministries responsible for education, civil affairs, housing and urban-rural development, as well as the State Seismological Bureau, for what the team calls their "administrative omission."
This week's letter also quotes a statement in the 2010 Report on the Work of the Government by Premier Wen Jiabao.
"We will promote transparency of administrative affairs, improve regulations for transparent governance and admin-istrative review, create conditions for the people to criticize and oversee the government, allow the media to fully play their overseeing role, and exercise power openly," it said.